Saturday 8 May 2010

Paul Lau Chun-Man

9 years.

9 years is a lifetime for a 15-16-year-old. I have never thought- seriously about what life would be like when Paul left. I just somehow always assumed Paul would always be there, and I would always be there.

Now Paul's leaving us all behind to go build his dream. 10k by 10k, he outpaces us...

I'm happy for him, don't get me wrong. But at this moment, it doesn't feel like I could ever move on.

I was never happy with being second best. That's why I didn't keep with debating in year 7. If I could go back, I would willingly be second in everything if I could just be second after Paul. If I could follow Paul to his dream. But it's too late; I'm 5 years too late. I've learned this lesson about pride in the hardest way possible.