Tuesday 11 September 2012

Three quick poems on an evening

In vino veritas, as the Romans said.

In vino veritas, as the Romans said.
In wine, truth.

Thursday 6 September 2012

The Best Show Ever

The poetry scene in Hong Kong might not be massive, but if it were, it wouldn't be as cool. Poetry OutLoud is located at the Cabaret Theatre of the Fringe Club, the first Wednesday of every month. Some poetry readings, drinks, and an atmosphere one usually doesn't find in Hong Kong.

I banged out the following poem (if it qualifies as such) yesterday for the open mic section of the evening. The room was more packed that I expected, really, and the honestly intimidating thing was that everyone seemed to know each other but us. We found out later that was because most are regulars at "Joyce Is Not Here", where they gather the other Wednesdays of the month, something more cozy, more crazy, and more poetry.